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The ONE thing you can do for you (or for your business)
I was invited to have a keynote presentation in the opening of the PR2Advertising’s conference: Effective ways to promote your business. Being a performance-driven agency and leading a team that is promoting mainly channels that can prove directly ROI, it was a real challenge to discover the elements that can change the game for your business in the online […]
Hello world, indeed!
La jumătatea anului 2014 am decis să mă alătur grupului Infinit în poziția de asociat prin crearea The MasterPlan Agency. Cu ajutorul fraților Andrei și Alex Cernătescu și alături de o echipă excepțională, am avut probabil cel mai bun start al unei agenții de digital media și consultanță în e-Commerce din piață. După cum Alex Cernătescu a spus în Forbes: […]
3 learnings: leading a team that helped hundreds of startups to get funding
While leading one of the largest angel investment networks and being able to see how a fund performs, there are things that sometimes get in the way of funding at such an early stage. We have been helping companies raise funds before Series A, some of them doing a wonderful job in their following years. […]