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OmniPERFORM. Read our exclusive interview for Business Review
Last week I had the opportunity to answer to a couple of questions in an exclusive interview for Business Review in my position of OmniPERFORM CEO. There are a lot of questions and you can discover my perspective regarding the current status of advertising.
Proud to announce the launch of OmniPERFORM
In the last months I prepared to launch a new technology that will be able to enhance even more the conversion rate and the media campaigns. Therefore, I am happy to announce OmniPERFORM and also to invest and bring a new technology that aims to deliver better and more relevant advertising in omnichannel and digital campaigns together […]
[PRESS] Forbes about Omniperform expansion plans
OmniPerform, fondată de Adrian Enache, intenționează să se dezvolte pe piața din Statele Unite ale Americii și estimează pentru 2022 o creștere de 20% a cifrei de afaceri, până la 3 milioane de euro.