digital events press & awards thoughts

Money News TV: Cum să ai grijă atât de online cât și de offline în marketing

Una dintre primele apariții la TV pe care le-am avut m-a pus în contextul unei discuții cu privire la omnichannel, online și offline marketing. Puteți urmări o înregistrare a emisiunii de la Money News mai jos.   PS. Încerc să îmi explic propria-mi voce:

digital events showcase thoughts

#DMFCairo: Digital Media Forum Cairo (about Performance Marketing and Future of Digital Media)

I was invited to have a keynote and a workshopathon in Cairo and I was completely impressed by the fact that the organizers managed to merge very interesting topics in one event. There were great creative presentations, strategy or even technical ones. And not to forget the futurology presentations of business approach, JJ Walburg and Alex […]

digital events misc thoughts

The ONE thing you can do for you (or for your business)

I was invited to have a keynote presentation in the opening of the PR2Advertising’s conference: Effective ways to promote your business. Being a performance-driven agency and leading a team that is promoting mainly channels that can prove directly ROI, it was a real challenge to discover the elements that can change the game for your business in the online […]

digital events misc thoughts

Invitatie la conferința PR2Advertising

Pe 13 octombrie 2015 voi participa în calitate de Speaker în deschiderea conferinței Metode accesibile de promovare” organizată de, începând cu ora 10:00. Scopul conferinței este de a prezenta și analiza cele mai potrivite și eficiente metode prin care se poate promova un business. Cât de important este curajul atunci când esti la început de drum […]

digital events

Digital Marketing Forum 2015

Increase conversions up to 94% by changing campaign launch process You can discover my presentation at Digital Marketing Forum regarding the process of launching a campaign and the knowledge that a partner agency should offer. Case-studies that increased conversions up to 94% for our customers are available. I hope the presentation will help 🙂