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Proud to announce the launch of OmniPERFORM
In the last months I prepared to launch a new technology that will be able to enhance even more the conversion rate and the media campaigns. Therefore, I am happy to announce OmniPERFORM and also to invest and bring a new technology that aims to deliver better and more relevant advertising in omnichannel and digital campaigns together […]
Two aspects towards generating 7-figure businesses
I will start with ”in my opinion” 🙂 I have always looked at building startups in 2 different ways: the ones built to generate revenue fast and those which were started with a clear, fast exit strategy in mind. The mindset is mainly influenced by access to capital and investment. Usually (there are exceptions) the […]
Invitatie la conferința PR2Advertising
Pe 13 octombrie 2015 voi participa în calitate de Speaker în deschiderea conferinței Metode accesibile de promovare” organizată de, începând cu ora 10:00. Scopul conferinței este de a prezenta și analiza cele mai potrivite și eficiente metode prin care se poate promova un business. Cât de important este curajul atunci când esti la început de drum […]